
qMp development



Set the environment

If you want to see some more options you can read the wiki article of the development environment.

Get the needed software

First of all you should take a look on the system requirements:

In a Debian based distributions (like Ubuntu), a set of packages are needed, you should install them:

sudo aptitude install \
git subversion zlib1g-dev gawk flex unzip bzip2 gettext build-essential \
libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev binutils cpp psmisc docbook-to-man

And if your machine is x86_64 you will need 32 bit development files.
In Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo aptitude install gcc-multilib

In CentOS/Fedora/RHEL the packets are:

gcc.i686, libgcc.i686, and glibc-devel.i686


Get the code and compile

[Recommended]  Get the qMp firmware generator using git:

git clone git:// qmpfw

[Outdated]  Or get the code using http:

wget -c -q -O - "" | tar zxvf -


Then enter to source directory:

cd qmpfw


[Advanced] Do a checkout specifying the branch:

make .checkout_qmp QMP_GIT_BRANCH=branch_name

Example for testing branch:

make .checkout_qmp QMP_GIT_BRANCH=testing


And compile it specifying the target:

make build T=alix


You can find available targets by executing:

make list_targets


If you have more than one core in your computer you can use J=N:

make build T=alix J=4


After that, you will find the images ready to install in your devices inside directory:
