Web interface documentation

qMp 4.0 Macondo

Device configuration => Node settings

The Device configuration => Node settings page allows to configure the basic node settings, like the device identification, location and contact details. It is divided into the following sections:

Device identification

Device name

The device name is used both to define the hostname of the router and to distinguish it from other devices participating in the mesh network. Leaving this field blank will make the device be given the default name.

During the first boot after installing qMp, devices are automatically given the default name "qMp-xxxx", where xxxx corresponds to the last four digits of the primary Ethernet interface (eth0) MAC address. For example, if a device has the MAC  address 44:0D:C5:1D:3A:D7 on the primary Ethernet interface, it will be named by default "qMp-3ad7".

From a technical point of view, device names do not need to be unique in a qMp mesh network. However, it is advised not to repeat in order to ease the network management.

Community network name (optional)

qMp is often used in the context of community networks. If this is the case, you can select which community network the device belongs to from a predefined list, write a custom name for your own community network deployment or just leave it blank.

Mesh network name (optional, depends on Community network name == Guifi.net)

Some community networks, such as Guifi.net and tools shipped with qMp like LibreMap require this setting to be properly configured in order to work. In the specific case of Guifi.net, the specific mesh subnetwork and the device ID can also be configured.

Device ID (optional)

In order to distinguish devices in a mesh network, a device id is appended to the device name.  By default, four hexadecimal digits are appended, which correspond to the last four digits of the primary network interface's MAC address.

Some community networks, such as Guifi.net and tools shipped with qMp like LibreMap require this setting to be properly configured in order to work. In the specific case of Guifi.net, the device ID corresponds to the device (trasto) number , which can be obtained from the device page on the https://www.guifi.net website.

Primary network interface

The MAC address of the primary network interface is used to generate the default device ID. In particular, the last four digits of the MAC address are used (e.g.: 3e:88:21:3d:a1:97 => a197).

Device location

The device location settings are used to geolocate the device on tools like LibreMap.

Latitude (optional)

Latitude of the node, in decimal degrees, ranging from -90º to 90º. Ex.: 7.51.

Longitude (optional)

Longitude of the node, in decimal degrees, ranging from -180º to 180º. Ex.: 76.83.

Elevation (optional)

Elevation of the node, relative to the ground level in meters. Ex.: 20.5.


The contact information can be used to reach the owner of a node.

Contact e-mail

If you want to help other users of the mesh to get in touch with you, write your e-mail address there.